Mindset Mic
Mindset Mic is a weekly show where mindset speaker and coach, former college athlete, and curriculum developer, Claudia Ramirez, guides you to enhance your mindset and become the optimal leader of your life.
With engaging messages that foster inner growth and outer development, Mindset Mic inspires you to reflect on your individual circumstances, make mindset and habit shifts, and create a fulfilling life.
Through insightful discussions and practical strategies, Claudia guides you on a transformative journey where you'll uncover your true potential, redirect your path, and embrace the destiny you're meant for.
Get ready to enhance your mindset, amplify your impact, and unlock a world of possibilities. It's your time to thrive personally and beyond!
Mindset Mic
La Importancia de Soñar Para El Deporte y La Vida: Por Qué y Cómo Inculcar los Sueños | Ep 49 (PRIMER EPISODIO EN ESPAÑOL!!!)
BIEVENIDOS A MINDSET MIC EN ESPAÑOL! Me siento feliz de la vida de compartir este trayecto contigo. Empezamos este nuevo camino con una base muy firme hablando de la importancia de los sueños.
Espero que este episodio te de la certeza y convicción de que tus sueños son posibles, de que eres la persona indicada, y estás en el momento correcto para tomar acción.
SUSCRIBETE PARA VIDEOS SEMANALES: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFp-zsT3s8mBDbGzanjlnPg?sub_confirmation=1
COACHING DE MENTALIDAD UNO-A-UNO: https://form.typeform.com/to/VDk0cWTt?typeform-source=www.theclaudiaramirez.com — I am taking on new clients. Book a complimentary call with me to learn about how I can support you in your mindset leadership journey.
Hablas inglés?
Learn about RUN WITH IT: YOUR 60-DAY MINDSET ROADMAP: https://claudiaramirez.kartra.com/page/OQF435—9-week self-paced mindset coaching course that empowers you to get clear on what you seek, overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles, and move forward with confidence in your ideal lifestyle.
Learn about SEE IT, CREATE IT: https://claudiaramirez.kartra.com/page/kDP438-- A self-paced vision board course for goal-getters who seek goal clarity, focus, and motivation.
Espero conocerte pronto!
🫶 Claudia
Come say hi!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsclaudiaramirez/
Email: hello@theclaudiaramirez.com
Can't wait to see you in one of my courses/programs! I believe in you 🫶,
© Claudia Ramirez LLC